Can a woman receive Moksha according to Hinduism

As stated by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita every single human being on mother earth was entitled to the house of God. God never differentiates amongst human beings.


Between man and woman and other classes as per social order there was no distinction at all. All were free to realize God, reach God in their lifetime.


Moksha means reaching kingdom of God, Vaikuntha in Hinduism. After gaining liberation from cycle of birth and death the liberated soul atman finally merges with God, Brahman in Hinduism.


Every single woman on mother earth let alone Hinduism was entitled to indulge in spirituality detailed in Bhagavad Gita to reach state of moksha salvation.


As per Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita gaining enlightenment for a woman was difficult compared to men. The reason lay in Moha (extreme emotional attachment), the special bondage created by God so that women can take care of children and also entire family members including elders.


In absence of Moha, mankind would have witnessed children loitering about all over the world not knowing what to do. It is this special bondage or Moha that keeps womenfolk bonded to the society especially children.


Despite everything in the entire history of mankind two ladies till date finally succeeded in reaching state of moksha salvation in their lifetime, famous philosopher Sage Gargi and Maitreyi, the second dutiful wife of Sage Yajnavalkya (composer and compiler of most voluminous Brihadaranyaka Upanishad).


The Gargi and Maitreyi colleges in New Delhi are reminiscent of the golden era in which these ladies succeeded reaching state of enlightenment followed by moksha salvation.


To cut across shackles of Moha (extreme emotional attachment) is very difficult for a lady so that she could successfully indulge in spirituality to reach state of enlightenment, moksha salvation.

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