In the spiritual journey towards self realization we have to let go all worldly attachments forever. This includes all earthly relationships including that of parents, brothers and sisters, close relatives and friends. For a true seeker, traveler of spiritual path the whole world becomes one large family.
Furthermore all women are imbibed with Moha (extreme emotional attachment) that was unparalleled compared to men. If a woman comes across a child crying on the road she would in most cases try her best to take care but if a man comes across the same situation, he would just take a cursory look and go away.
It is this Moha, the special category bondage with children that dissuades women from undertaking spiritual journey towards self realization.
In the entire history of mankind only two ladies till date succeeded in reaching state of self realization, the famous philosopher Sage Gargi and Maitreyi, the second dutiful wife of Sage Yajnavalkya (composer and compiler of most voluminous Brihadaranyaka Upanishad).
Already a self realized master when Yajnavalkya asked Maitreyi her permission to go to deep dense forests for further contemplation she said what further! Sage Yajnavalkya divided his wealth equally in two parts and the first wife was extremely happy with so much material wealth. But Maitreyi had different plans. She had been requesting Yajnavalkya to impart to her Brahma jnana but Yajnavalkya on one pretext or another kept dissuading her.
Finally Maitreyi told Yajnavalkya that after getting half the wealth, whether she would gain Brahma jnana! And Yajnavalkya intelligently said follow me to the jungles and there in the company of Sage Yajnavalkya Maitreyi also finally gained self realization.
The Gargi and Maitreyi colleges in New Delhi are reminiscent of old times and the importance granted to these two self realized ladies.