What Spirituality is right for me

Rightly stated from the very beginning of life spirituality was always one and only one, there never were different kinds of spirituality on mother earth.


Once the definition of spirituality becomes clear, we shall realize of our own that there never was more than one type of spirituality on mother earth.


Spirituality primarily stems from the root word spirit and as detailed in Bhagavad Gita we are primarily not a being manifesting human form but a spiritual traveler, a spirit that manifested human form to work out its karma, remove dross impurities within.


As a spiritual traveler, the spirit within our goal of life always remains reaching state of absolute purity, liberating self from cycle of birth and death forever, reaching cosmic end of life 8.4 millionth manifestation. Becoming a Mahavira, Gautama Buddha even Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed should be our goal of life.


Why indulge in praying to these enlightened souls and mar our present cosmic journey of life for doing so would keep us rotating in the endless cycles of birth and death. If we desire a permanent escape from cycles of birth and death then our indulgence in spirituality as detailed in Bhagavad Gita is the only solution.


The reason is apparent, even enlightened ones like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha even Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed succeeded in reaching state of enlightenment following precepts of spirituality contained in Bhagavad Gita and also Upanishads (independent spiritual treatises).


Spirituality is all about human beings taking inner journey towards the spirit, soul atman consciousness existing in our heart.


This can be successfully achieved by following certain requisites of spiritual path like demolishing our ego in totality, only then we could establish total control over five senses and mind. Furthermore practicing absolute celibacy we could awaken kundalini shakti fully. Full opening of kundalini energy means full activation of brain.


Normal human beings used their brain 1 to 2%, the balance always lying dormant. Comparatively enlightened ones used their brain to full capacity 100%. For activating our brain, energizing our spiritual life from 2% to 100% our indulgence in spirituality as per Bhagavad Gita is an absolute must. Bhagavad Gita is the only scripture in entire world that promotes mankind towards spirituality, the path that takes human beings directly towards god.


Without mixing words I would again emphasize that spirituality can be indulged only as promoted in Bhagavad Gita.

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