Story behind Krishna 16000 wives

Allegorically Krishna represents soul atman existing in human body. The 16,000 wives of Krishna denote existence of 16,000 Indriyas (sense organs) in human body. Unless human beings indulging in spirituality overpowered all these Indriyas, one could never reach state of enlightenment, self realization, god realization ever.


Control over 16,000 Indriyas (sense organs) is necessitated to realize Krishna from within, become a pure soul atman in the cosmic journey of life.


Indulging in spirituality when human beings demolished their ego in totality, control over five senses and mind gradually established. The five primary senses are supported by 16,000 sub-senses existing within body. Prime reason why spiritual journey takes time as overpowering all the 16,000 sub-senses needs time.


To reach Krishna within we have to cut across all sense organs in totality. There is at all no escape from this vicious cycle of life. Path of spirituality is like travelling razor’s edge. In my search for God since six years of age, I do not remember how many times I had to eat hell for breakfast, how many contemplations of suicide.


Despite all hindrances I continued my journey of spirituality uninterruptedly. My faith in God Almighty always was absolute 100%. It is this faith that kept me powering all the time.


When we start journey of spirituality, we do not know when we shall completed it. Whether it would be in present life time or many manifestations henceforth! Believing in God, travelling path of truthfulness we should dutifully indulge in spirituality to reach Krishna in our lifetime.


Primarily we are Krishna, a soul atman but we failed to realize our true identity as Krishna due to presence of ego within. When we were truthful we could distinctly hear voice of Krishna coming from within. Guided by voice of Krishna from within we can travel our spiritual journey smoothly.


Spirituality was never about stories. Every single spiritual story had a message to convey. Indulging in contemplation (chintan) we could reach the hidden underlying meaning. Everything contained in Bhagavad Gita can be understood only by indulging in contemplation (chintan) as nothing could be understood literally.


The ultimate goal of life for all human beings on mother earth is reaching Krishna within. At each and every stage of spiritual pursuit all the sense organs (Indriyas) would prove an obstacle. In real life also, for seekers in search of god, the real housewife was always an impediment.


The housewife does not relate to spirituality like a seeker. She only wants stability in life. If the seeker can take care of material and emotional needs of the family including wife, the seeker can continue indulging in spirituality amicably. Maintaining a delicate balance between spirituality and sense organs (Indriyas) is what spirituality all about.


To reach Krishna within, we have to overpower all wives of Krishna we called Indriyas (sense organs).

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