Is there a way to reverse Kundalini awakening

Before indulging in spirituality or kundalini awakening we have to make sure that it is our final goal of life. Any progress on path of spirituality or kundalini awakening was irreversible; we could never revert back no matter what.


Similar as a bud growing into a flower could not be reverted back to a bud; developments in the field of pure spirituality are also irreversible. Why?


Normal human beings used their brain 1 to 2%. Those indulging in spirituality whose kundalini had awakened fully used their brain 100%. All man gods like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha even Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed used their brain 100% but only after reaching state of enlightenment. Even Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharshi Ramana used their brain 100%.


Once a particular portion of brain activated it could never be reverted back again. It was totally an irreversible process that was how God Almighty ordained evolution to be. On path of evolution, all our progress was irreversible. A tree that had already grown full could not become a plant again.


That is why it is said journey of spirituality, awakening of kundalini must be exercised with caution!


Journey of spirituality, kundalini awakening results in activation of brain from 2% to 100%!

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