Death and moksha in Hinduism had different connotations. First we need to understand that journey of life in human form belongs to spirit, soul atman existing within. It is an absolute fact of life that it is our soul atman that manifested human form to cleanse self of dross impurities within.
After death of mortal body the released soul atman again manifests a new body and continues rotating in the endless cycles of birth and death until it reaches state of absolute purity forever.
Indulging in spirituality as prescribed in Bhagavad Gita, when seekers in India succeed reaching stage of self realization, god realization it announces end of cosmic journey for soul atman within. The soul atman finally reaches state of absolute purity.
The moment an enlightened one, the self realized soul left mortal frame; the liberated soul atman finally merges with God, goes to kingdom of God (Vaikuntha in Hinduism).
Moksha Hinduism means end of cosmic journey for soul atman. On the other hand normal death means the released soul atman would manifest a new body on mother earth again and again.
Reaching state of moksha salvation is the ultimate goal of life of all human beings on mother earth. When to complete the journey is purely dependent on us. We can do it now in present life time or leave it for future manifestations.